It wasn't easy to be independent.. I knew that there's a lot of peoples who wanted to have their freedom.. Freedom from family.. Freedom from studies.. Freedom for everything..
Once you started to become independent, you started to appreciate what you had last time.. It's still fine for me as I am used to living alone without family around me.. I guess camping thingys really works.. I gained experiences from all sort of camping I had joined.. It really helps a lot.. It's not as hard as it is after knowing how to take care of yourself when nobody is around you.. Besides, I had been staying in KL for one month plus when I worked with an event company at Petaling Jaya months ago.. This made me even more confident to be independent..
I chose my own road and future.. I had decided to study in Lim Kok Wing University of Creative Technology (LUCT) even if I were selected to join the Matriculation at Labuan.. Getting an entry to matriculation wasn't easy especially for Chinese.. It's definitely difficult and you need luck to get selected.. I dropped the opportunity and risked myself to study in private college..
I was unbelievable lucky as I were selected to get the Star Scholarship during working with the event company.. And that moment.. I knew that God had agreed with the choice I made by studying at the private college, LUCT..
I had attended the orientation for the whole week and it was fascinating.. You'll sure enjoy it if you join this college with me.. During the orientation, we were doing crazy stuffs which you couldn't even imagine.. We played games which made us explored the whole university and getting to know better with the ambassador.. It's so crazy that you couldn't imagine you were asked to move your butt for different alphabet..
The orientation were not the best thing of all.. The best thing was the "FRESHIE PARTY".. We were like clubbing whole night long at our condominium's plaza.. We danced, we shook, we move, we sweat.. The party really rocks.. the dancing floor was really packed with "FRESHIE"..

Of course, after the orientation and party, it'll be our study time already.. My class starts next Monday.. I am looking forward to see my lecturers and classmates.. It'll be cool..
Last but not least, I miss my family and my friends! Gosh.. Looking at the photo below makes me remind of the time they sent me to KL at the airport..

And of course, look at their faces.. They are so happy that I am leaving.. except one guy.. the happiest guy which "peace" at the last rows.. He is happy because he is coming soon to meet me here in KL!! Well.. I wish you all best of luck.. and together we strive for excellence.. I never forget this motto even if I had left our high school..